AFUR - The African Forum for Utility Regulators
AFUR Website Relaunch
How can the digital identity of an international organization be crafted to meet both growing digital demands and the technical challenges and diverse needs of Africa?
The African Forum for Utility Regulators (AFUR) is an organization dedicated to promoting effective regulatory practices for utilities across Africa. It supports the continent’s infrastructure development by establishing standards and best practices for regulating water, energy, transportation, and telecommunications.
We are thrilled to have revamped AFUR’s digital presence through a complete overhaul of the user experience, user interface, and tech stack. This work was carried out in close collaboration with the African Forum for Utility Regulators and GET.transform, a European multi-donor program for technical support implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ). AFUR and GET.transform are currently working together on a toolbox of African best practice regulations for mini-grids, which will benefit from the new modular structure of the website.
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